
Up at 8 AM


12:50 Doc appointment to look at his jaw. He is hoping to get unwired. His mouth is not opening nearly as wide as needed. The Doc told him he needs to push it, if he doesn't get his jaw opening wider soon, he will be resigned to that the rest of his life. The rubber bands on the jaw were removed permanently. They are setting an appointment for him to have his wires removed completely next week hopefully. It depends on when they can find an opening. They will let us know.

The rest of the day Caleb was using the tool the Docs gave him to try to stretch his mouth open more. It is painful but he is determined to get it wider. He was out of bed all day today. He took his first trip outside with the walker to see a friends new Truck.

We are not assisting him to the bathroom, he is doing that on his own. We took the Xbox out of his room and put in the family room so if he want to play, he will have to come out of the bedroom. He is fine with that.

Christine called him while we were on the way home. I told her he needs to start doing things. She asked if he could go shopping with her. He cringed, said "I couldn't stand that before the accident!"

Breakfast: 9AM

He is still getting 1500 calories through the night via tube feeding. This morning Caleb ate two packages of oat meal and a glass of whole milk.

Lunch: 2:30

Rubber bands are off and he can eat what he wants but needs to start of slow. When we arrived home, four friends arrived. Caleb ended up eating a PBJ for lunch.

Dinner: 6:30

Asked Caleb if he would like Pizza tonight and that really excited him. Pizza it was. Caleb had two slices of Pizza Hut cheese pizza and a glass of whole milk. He really enjoyed the Pizza.


PT came by at around 9:30 AM and did some exercises with Caleb. He give him a good little workout.
OT came by at around 4 PM. and worked with caleb on reading and memory things.